MWPC is a not-for-profit, volunteer based organization that acts as a unified body of the community leagues in MillWoods, The Meadows & Ellerslie, striving to make Southeast Edmonton a safe and supportive community to live, work and play.
Crawford Plains ・ Daly Grove ・ Pollard Meadows
The Southwood community comprises the neighbourhoods of Crawford Plains, Daly Grove and Pollard Meadows in the southeast portion of Mill Woods bounded by 50 Street to the west, 34 Street to the east, 23 Avenue to the north, and Anthony Henday Drive to the south.
The Southwood Community League took shape during a March 18, 1980 meeting that was attended by 49 residents of the area. They knew that the rapid growth of their area and increased population needed quick planning and five committees were formed: social, fund-raising, membership, sports, and membership. A delegate was also appointed to the Millwoods Cultural and Recreational facility Association (MCARFA), which was organized to assist all residents of Mill Woods with their community’s capital projects.