MWPC is a not-for-profit, volunteer based organization that acts as a unified body of the community leagues in MillWoods, The Meadows & Ellerslie, striving to make Southeast Edmonton a safe and supportive community to live, work and play.
Since 1983 the Mill Woods Presidents' Council has served as southeast Edmonton's area council.

MWPC hosts 9 meetings between September and June of the 12-member community leagues, associate members, partners and stakeholder; to share information, identify community issues and improvement opportunities, then champion solutions for improvement.
​The forum includes city councillors, members of the Alberta Legislature (MLAs), member of Parliment (MP), Edmonton Police Services (EPS), Catholic & Public school board trustees, City of Edmonton (COE) representatives, Mill Woods Public Library, Mill Woods Seniors Association, Mill Woods Soccer Association, youth advocacy groups, and more.
Guest speaker are regularly invited to speak.
For more information email admin@seedmonton.ca
​The MWPC has delivered the ever-evolving event since its modest inception July 1st 1988. Through partnerships and sponsors the event has become western Canada's largest grass roots volunteer run Canada Day celebration attracting 50,000+ participants and 200+ volunteers.

To realize a thriving southeast Edmonton as a safe and supportive community to live, work and play.

To be recognized as southeast Edmonton’s principle advocate for community betterment, source of community information, and coordinator of community league efforts.

To identify opportunities for community improvement through a recurring forum that brings together leaders, stakeholders and elected officials; then champion solutions through partnerships and the collective effort of the community leagues of southeast Edmonton.

Mill Woods YOUTH Drop In
​The MWPC proudly partners with Youth Unlimited, to provide a safe and structured drop-in program. Helping Edmonton's youth to discover their unlimited potential and to use that potential to positively influence themselves, their peers, their schools, and their communities.